Hi Halloweeners,
The following is
a description on how I added an "onboard" timer to an inexpensive
fogger. I call it "onboard" because it's built in to the existing
fogger case instead of added on to the remote. The advantages of doing
it this way are: there's a convenient source of power for the timer circuit
and there's not a bunch of external cables to clutter things up. The remote
for the fogger will still work normally just in case you need to trigger
it manually. The fogger I used for this project is the "lite F/X"
fogger purchased from K-Mart for about $40. This is a great fogger to
use for this application because there's ample room inside the case for
the circuitry. This circuit will certainly work on other foggers, but
in some cases, may have to be added in an external box.
If you are considering
performing this timer modification to your fogger, I must give
This modification of the fogger requires opening the case and exposing
yourself to potentially deadly voltages. DO NOT attempt it if you are
unfamiliar with electrical circuitry. Never work on the fogger with it
plugged in. Additionally, opening the case and installing this modification
will void the warranty on the fogger.
Below is the schematic
and parts list for the timer circuit. On the next page are some pictures
of the installation and on the following page is an alternate
circuit using a 555 timer.