July 2006 Meeting

click on pictures for larger image


The pumps are ready to go
This is what we'll be making
Wes poses while Sharon checks out a prop
Last month's awesome project
Steven trying to figure out which one is his
Jay, Kevin and Monica
A really scary prop from Wolfstone (at least it's not a hamster)
Waiting for something to happen
Chris and Neil
Rosemary's famous Blackberry
Preston and Diane
Tom, Tom and Sue
Graphics for Ric's hearse
Chef Monica
Steven, Lisa, Dennis, Rick and Robin
Great CalHauntS banner
A Maniac Mansion pop-up
Rick, Charlie and Scott enjoy lunch
Rosemary picks out a door prize
The door prizes
Larry picks out a door prize
Pumpkinhead (Braden) and Kim showing off their HauntX award winning prop
Getting ready for the group picture
Tom S. and friend
Shelly, Robin and Carolyn

on to page 2

        last update 7/2006