A note regarding the Google ads: It's not my intent to make any money off these web pages. I do it strictly for fun, as a hobby. The revenue from the ads just about covers the cost of my web hosting service.

Greetings Halloweeners and welcome to my web pages. I've created these pages to present some original ideas and some variations on ideas presented by other haunters. I am neither an engineer nor artist, I just love creating props for Halloween and am happy to share them.

For an extensive listing of Halloween projects, be sure to visit Mark Butler's Monsterlist. Also, here’s a link to a directory of haunted houses, you type in your location and it will show you all the haunted houses, hayrides and haunted trails within 75 miles.

An early influence (I'm on the left).

Web scary-terry.com


Audio Driver-For lightning or other effects

Hot Glue Web Shooter

Using a wiper motor with your props

Kicking Legs (wiper motor project)

Kitchen Sink Coffin
"rotating tunnel that you walk through"


Photo Gallery

last updated 11/2019